As a former elementary science specialist teacher, this week's Earth Day theme is one of my favorites to teach! I've posted some new Earth Day Items at my shop!

Here's a cute freebie Poem!
Making recycled paper is one of my favorite Earth Day activities! Here are the directions for making your own paper:
Materials Needed To Make Recycled Paper
- Newspaper
- A blender
- Water
- 2 tablespoons of white glue
- A large plastic dish tub
- One square foot of fiberglass screen (available at Home Depot)
- A sponge and blotting paper
- Rolling pin
- Colored construction paper
- Colored threads
- Glitter
- Small leaves
- Flower petals
- Food coloring
Making The Slurry
Slurry is the paper pulp and water mixture. It might remind you of dirty oatmeal.First, have students tear newspaper into very small pieces. Place one cup of the torn newspaper into the blender with two cups of water and two tablespoons of glue. Use this ratio for each child. Put the lid on the blender and turn it on high. Let the blender run until all of the paper disappears and it appears as if you have a purple-grey, pulpy mixture. ( I try to blend several at once to save time and do this ahead of time, modeling once so the children can see the process. The slurry is ready for straining the following day. I save it all in a bucket).
When you are ready to strain and press the paper, place about four inches of water into a large plastic dish tub. Add the slurry mixture to the water in the container.
Making The Paper
If possible-do this outside!Mix up the slurry and water mixture in the container really well. Have the kids use their hands.You will need to mix the slurry each time you make a new piece of paper.
Hold the screen with both hands and scoop it down towards the bottom of the container at a slight angle. Slowly lift the screen out of the water allowing the water to drain out (back into the container) for about a minute. You should have a thin layer of paper fibers settling on the surface of the fiberglass screen. NOTE: You do not want to have it too thick (more than 1/4 inch) or too thin (you can see the screen in patches) on the screen or the paper will be difficult to work with. Shape the pulp mixture into a square the size that you would like it to be.
Carefully lift the fiberglass screen with the paper on it and move it to a flat piece of newspaper. You can press a piece of newspaper over the paper (you can use a rolling pin to press if you desire), or press a piece of blotting paper over the paper and use a sponge to eliminate some of the extra water. I found square boards to place over the screen and used them to press out most of the water.
You do not want to dry the paper too much while it is still on the fiberglass screen or between newspaper or blotting paper as it will stick.
Gently peel the paper off the screen and place it on a piece of newspaper to dry.
For a more decorative look, add a cupful of colored construction paper to the slurry. You can also add colored threads, glitter, small leaves, etc. to the slurry to make the paper more interesting. Just before it dries, press in a few flower petals. You can also add food coloring to the mix to dye the paper.
In the past, I have attached a Mother's Day poem and placed it inside a frame for students to present as a gift.
Making your own paper can be fun, and it's a great way to teach the concept of recycling!
Let's make every day Earth Day!
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