The children use candy corn to measure the length of the line segments on this cute scarecrow worksheet. Thanks to the families who donated candy for our math activities this month!
Little Dixie cups are perfect for dividing up candy and other manipulatives for centers. I purchased a Sterilite container with a snap tight lid to store the filled cups until we use them!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Book Clubs / Literature Circles
Some of our children, who are reading independently, have started participating in Literature Circles. Students read an assigned chapter and have guided discussions regarding what was read! These are my red group readers. All students will join a book club later in the year!

Daily Five I Charts
I love that my classroom has so many windows, but I think every bit of wall space has been filled! I created these Daily Five I Charts (anchor posters) and decided to hang them on the windows! Students can refer to the posters for the expectations for each of our Daily Five rotations!

Glittery Spider Webs
We made this sparkly project as a follow-up activity for our poem- Do Spiders Stick to Their Own Webs? Miss Mary (my mom) drew patterns on black construction paper with a white colored pencil. The students traced the lines with glue and then with the help of parent volunteers, sprinkled glitter on the glue. We used clear glitter but silver looks really nice too! I purchased spider rings (cut the ring off) and parents hot glued the spider onto the web.

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Graphing Dem Bones Candy
Students created graphs of Dem Bones candy! We will graph more fun and colorful bone candies(generously donated by one of our parents) on Halloween!

Tool Time Pumpkin Carving with Mr. Rose!
Mr. Rose, our principal, taught students about tools, estimation and the history of pumpkin carving as he carved this awesome pumpkin for the first grade students! Thanks Mr. Rose for making this Halloween one to remember!

Pumpkin Seed Math
Students used pumpkin seeds as manipulatives to learn a variety of math skills including even/odd numbers, subtraction, addition, skip counting, introduction to multiplication with adding sets and word problems.

A Monster of a Good Time
The students enjoyed our monster theme this week. Our Poem of the week is titled "Monster Spray". The student watched the movie Monsters Inc. Afterward, as a follow up activity, we completed a story elements worksheet to name the characters, setting, problem and solution. For our Fun Friday project we made monster puppets! Sorry, could not rotate this one!

Math Fact Fun on the SMARTboard!
First grade students have started a unit on subtraction. The children enjoyed these Smart Notebook activities to practice the concepts of addition and subtraction with zero, subtracting to compare and answer the question, how many more? We used Halloween themed backgrounds, clip art and word problems to make learning fun! The children love learning in this interactive way!

Saturday, October 22, 2011
More Halloween Clip Art

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